How Do SEO Copywriters Make Money?


If you love writing, then you may be considering a career as a copywriter. But you might not have considered what a copywriter does. A copywriter is usually the “voice” behind the words that you read on the Internet. You can find them writing articles, blog posts, sales copy and many other online documents. Below you will learn what a copywriter does and how he/she can benefit your business.

What Do They Do? Social Media Copywriting. Copywriters are basically the good-smelling, handsome guys who create brand new written content for either advertising, branding and descriptive documents. Usually copywriters can also write much more creative copy, such as ad copy, taglines, and informative copy, or much more researched web content, such as a job description on an online site.

How Do They Work? Most companies hire professional copywriters from ad agencies. These ad agencies employ talented copywriters to write their web content, product descriptions, blog posts and any number of other online documents. While there are many writers who prefer to write their own copywriting, most copywriters work for ad agencies because writing is what they enjoy the most. The truth is most of the best writers in the world have a background in writing, either as an article writer or a magazine copywriter.

So What Do They Do? Most aspiring or current copywriters have a few basic traits in common. For one, they must enjoy using words. After that they need to be creative and innovative. A highly creative copywriter can really make a web page or an ad look incredible.

Social Media As a copywriter you will be responsible for creating effective social media ads. The purpose of social media is to build brand recognition, drive traffic and to create buzz. Social media is one of the most powerful marketing tools available today. It is a simple concept: the more people that see your ad, the more likely they are to click through and opt in to your website or information. This is called “word of mouth” marketing. One of the primary goals of social media copywriting is to drive visitors to your website by creating highly engaging ads that encourage the viewers to share your message with others.

SEO Content Writing Another important component of copywriting is SEO content writing. SEO content writing is the process of writing highly optimized, unique web content articles to drive highly targeted traffic to your website. SEO copywriters write these unique articles, which are often based on keywords, in a specific order so that they rank highly for the search terms you are targeting. This type of copywriting is not only time consuming, but it can also be expensive. There are a variety of different methods, such as article submission services, to achieve high rankings for key phrases.

Copywriting As Service/Equipment Many businesses do not have the budget for professional copywriting, which is why many choose to outsource their SEO copywriting. There are many different freelance writers who provide SEO copywriting as an information and product delivery service. These freelance writers use professional tools to write compelling copy that drives customers to their websites. Outsourcing your SEO copywriting can save you significant money while giving you more time to focus on your other marketing strategies.

Advertising agencies, such as W.B.D, are another source of SEO copywriters who are willing to write custom copy based on your specifications. These advertising agencies are highly skilled in working with both new and established clients and can help with everything from keyword research to copywriting to ad placement. Clients who work with these types of companies often find that their SEO copywriting efforts bring them more business than they ever thought possible.