Questions to Ask Before You Write a Single Word of Copy for Copywriting

To write successful copy, you have to understand as much as possible.

(If they do not, they need to. You may help them know more.)


After is a marketing/creative short adapted from one that I used during my stint in a Seattle ad service.

(Begin shape )

Marketing/Creative Short

(Note: Made for B2B; a lot of the short can also be pertinent to B2C.)

Fantastic input is vital to a successful job, effort, or marketing application. This marketing/creative short was made to evoke decent input. Nonetheless, it takes comprehensive and thoughtful replies on your own part. Please answer these questions carefully.

  1. What’s the description of this item (s)?
  2. What’s the marketing attention? (What services or products are we notification about?)
  3. What’s the communications problem the bit (s) need to resolve?
  4. Who’s the audience? (Demographics, name, function, duty, etc. ) . ) )
  5. What’s their point of view regarding the item, support, category?



  1. What impact do we need the bit (s) to get on the target market (s)? (Buy, telephone call, see Web site, request more info, increase their consciousness, etc..)
  2. What can we provide to attain the desired response?
  3. What’s the sole essential message we have to inform the target market (s) to attain the desired result? (Be as succinct as you can.)
  4. What’s there to support our promises?
  5. Can anybody else make a similar guarantee?
  6. Are there some tech problems to handle?
  7. What special industry issues have to be addressed?
  8. Are there any business, product, or even aggressive issues to be averted?
  9. What tone if the bit apply? (Difficult hitting/serious, educational/informative, funny, etc.. ) )
  10. What do you enjoy about your present piece(s)? (Look and texture, tone, messaging, performance, etc.. ) )
  11. (Look and texture, tone, messaging, performance, etc.. ) )
  12. What total beliefs (look and texture, etc.) do you like the bit (s) to create?
  13. Can this bit (s) be used with some additional bits? (proposals, security, letters, etc. ).)
  14. How will the item (s) be utilized (online, leave behind, trade displays, sent, etc.) and at what stage in the revenue cycle?
  15. Any other remarks?

(End kind )

Ironically, getting clients to answer these queries is not always simple.

That is why it’s ideal to be flexible by means of a marketing/creative brief. You may ask the customer to fill out it. You may use it in order to interview the customer. You may fill it out yourself to your customer’s review. Any kind of collaborative strategy works nicely.

In the long run, pressure to your clients that should they need more clicks, more prospects and more sales, they will need to actively take part in the input procedure.

One that you have all of the info that you require, you are prepared to compose a winner.